Voice Recognition

Campus Crime Report

CCCTC Annual School Security Report (Clery Act) 

9364 State Route 45, Lisbon, OH 44432 

 Security Officer 
 Name: Kelly Darney
 Title: Director
 Phone: 330-424-9561 ext. 146

On Campus Student Housing Local Police Crime Statistics

This institution does not provider Local statistics are included with the 

On-Campus Student Housing campus’s statistics

Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act also known as the Clery Act, requires disclosure of data on crimes committed on and off campus and campus safety policies and procedures. This report is provided to all full-time adult students and staff members as a result of the Campus Security Act, which requires schools administering financial aid funds (Federal Pell Grants and Stafford Loans) to provide information about campus security policies and crime statistics. The Adult Education Director will function as the Security 

Officer and should be contacted whenever an incident occurs. Each year at orientation students receive a copy of the Campus Security Crime report.

Reporting/Procedures - Adult students and staff members are encouraged to be responsible for their own security and the security of others. In the event of a criminal action or emergency any CCCTC Adult Education staff member should be contacted immediately. It is the policy of CCCTC that all criminal activities or emergencies be reported to any available staff member who will in turn report the incident to the appropriate authorities. CCCTC encourages anyone who is a victim or witness to any crime to promptly report the event to a CCCTC Adult Education staff member or to the local authorities. Because police reports are public records under state law, CCCTC and local police departments cannot hold reports of crime in confidence. In some cases, the incident may be reported to the Columbiana County Sheriff Department, the Ohio State Highway Patrol and/or other appropriate law enforcement agencies. A written incident report form, which may be obtained from the Adult Education Office or the Security Officer, must be completed at the earliest possible time after the incident has occurred. The Security Officer will maintain a Security Incident Log. Campus security procedures will be given to students at orientation and to staff members annually. CCCTC reports all violent and/or sexual crimes to local law enforcement agencies. 


Criminal Offenses

Hate Crimes


This report covers:


The crime data reported by the institutions have not been subjected to independent verification by the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, the Department cannot vouch for the accuracy of the data reported here. 


DISCLAIMER: Because a handbook or disclosure of this nature cannot cover every possible item or incident that may arise, final resolution of each of these situations will be made by the Adult Education Director or school administration. 

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