Voice Recognition


CCCTC Entrance Requirements

The Columbiana County Career and Technical Center provides students with the opportunity to earn credits toward their diploma and gain valuable hands on experience as they be become college and career ready. Students who successfully complete the requirements for a career and technical program may earn a career path certificate and additional industry credentials.

Applicants applying to the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center must have earned a minimum of eight (8) credits by the beginning of their junior year in order to be eligible to attend the CCCTC and accepted into a program as a half day student. This ensures students are on track to graduate. Students who wish to attend the CCCTC full day must have earned the following eight (8) specific credits listed below to be accepted into a career path program before their junior year:

English              2 credits                        Health                              .5 credits

Math                  2 credits                        Physical Education          .5 credits

Science             1 credit                           One additional credit        1 credit

Social Studies   1 credit

April 1 of each school year is the program priority application date. Students must have applied online by this date in order to be considered for over-subscribed programs. Over-subscribed programs are closed at this time. Program application remains open for programs that are not over-subscribed until they are filled through the summer until school begins. Students that have applied for over-subscribed programs and do not meet the necessary requirements will be placed on a waiting list and considered for second choice alternatives.

Students who apply will be conditionally accepted pending credit verification and will be informed by letter by May 1. Wait list letters will also be mailed at this time.

Please contact Sue Allison, Guidance Administrator, with questions at 330 424.9561 X118 or email [email protected]

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