The Landscape and Environmental Design Program is for those students that have a desire to develop skills to become employed in the local green industry. Skills and technologies essential to plan, design and maintain landscapes to promote growth and balance will be studied. Scientific knowledge of plant development, nutrition and growth regulation will be applied. Experience with care, production and marketing of turf grass and turf services will be practiced. The care and management of trees for residential and commercial purposes will be studied along with principles of soil and pest management.

Lawn Care | Landscape Assistant | Greenhouse Assistant | Nursery Assistant | Small Equipment Operator
Landscaping Management/ Design
| Hardscaping | Business Management | Greenhouses | Nurseries |
Equipment Operator | Tree Service | Horticulture | Forest Management | Agronomist |
Every student in this career path will be a member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) organization. As a member, each student will be provided leadership development enhanced with community involvement by the students.
College credit granted upon enrollment at postsecondary institutions upon meeting specific requirements.