Voice Recognition

Adult Ed Orientation




Orientation is for students who have registered for an Adult Education Program. Second semester students do not need to attend.

All registered students should plan to attend the Orientation. The mandatory orientation is an exciting evening for all incoming students. The orientation is a chance for the student to meet their fellow classmates, see their classrooms and labs, and ask any of those last minute questions before classes begin. Students will also receive final schedules and complete any final paperwork for their student file as well as finalize any financial aid information with the financial aid advisor.

The Student Handbook will be distributed and reviewed to clarify procedures needed as students begin to navigate through attending CCCTC Adult Education. The Handbook is an essential tool for students. CCCTC Adult Education believes in setting all of their students up for success and the first step in that successful career starts at orientation.

A journey doesn’t start without direction and goals cannot be achieved without a plan. Your career path is your journey and orientation is the chance for us to give you direction and set your goals on that path.

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