Auto Collision Repair
Contact: Mr. DeSalvo (330) 424-9561 ext. 186
Services offered include Car Washing and Detail, Minor Dent, Rust and Collision Repair. We also offer Overall & Partial Refinishing in Single Stage or Base Clear Coat.
Automotive Technology
Contact: Mr. Neff (330) 424-9561 ext. 187
Services offered include Safety Inspections and Oil Changes.
Customer Must Supply All Parts - Call for Labor Charge.
Contact: Mrs. Mays (330) 424-9561 ext. 132
Services offered include Haircuts, Hair Styling, Hair Coloring, Permanent Waving, Manicures, Pedicures, Facials and Waxing.
Our open salon times are October - March 11:30 am Fridays only.
Culinary Careers
Mr. JR Straley (330) 424-9561 ext. 145
To host a breakfast or lunch in The Buckeye Restaurant, contact Chef Straley. Please see our
frequently asked questions for additional information.
Interactive Multimedia
Contact: Mr. Oesch (330) 424-9561 ext. 120
Services offered include Video recording and DVD Production for Various Events, Black & White/Color Copying, as well as a Wide Range of Custom Graphic Design Work.
Veterinary Science Technology
Contact: Mrs. Stacy (330) 424-9561 ext. 213
Services offered include Grooming Services Consisting of Shampoo & Condition (Complete Groom) - Extra with Scissors, Simple Brush-out, Nail Trim and Coat Stripping.
Welding & Materials Joining
Contact: Mr. Boyle (330) 424-9561 ext. 184
Services offered include Welding and Fabrication Repairs, New Custom Fabrication, Designing and Machining.
Facility Leasing